I recommend that all my clients bring in their labs for me to review, even after they have had a visit with the ordering doctor (MD).  Why?  In short – so clients get better care.  I am very much opposed to sloppy health care.

I hear all the time “that was checked, it came back normal”, especially from new clients.  My first internal reaction is frustration, but it’s really not the client’s fault.  It comforts people to believe their doctors are paying attention and that our health care system is taking care of them.  Sometimes this even happens.  But they simply are not informed about what “normal” means.  “Normal” means the numbers fall within the reference range set out by the labs.  Okay, I know, boring. 

And, it has nothing to do with “optimal” and it is not the same thing as “healthy”.

Medical doctors within our health care system are concerned with disease.  They are looking for a diagnosis; if there is a diagnosis, then they know how to treat (procedure or drug, sometimes lifestyle).  But being free from a disease is not equivalent to being healthy or feeling good.  How many times have I met with a client who feels terrible, but looks great on paper?  Lots.  The other issue is one of skimming, just looking for the numbers that are high or low, or fall out of range, without looking at the values as a whole to gain understanding of what’s going on.

And BTW, lifestyle intervention is a whole lot more effective when you catch an issue BEFORE it becomes a frank disease.  And I just don’t see this happening in our public medical system.

I’ll give you an example relating to standard red blood cell count (RBC).  What if your RBC is slightly low, but within normal range?   We need to look at other values, like the RBC size and variation in size to get a clearer picture.  From my experience this simply doesn’t happen in the typical MD’s office (and it’s not their job to do that either).  It’s just considered “normal”.  Meanwhile the patient could be suffering from low iron, or B12 or zinc and never know about it.  

I’ll give you another example – low iron.  Lots of people have low iron, the solution is simple, right?  Take an iron supplement.  But what about the cause?  Is it always low intake?  No, absolutely not.

I think we deserve better information and better health care and I want Canadians to stop being so passive and start taking responsibility for their own health.  What’s at stake is too great – without health, no wealth, no ability to accomplish dreams and very little life enjoyment. 

This is why I am in practice – to put people in charge of their health.  This is also why I am offering group visits for standard lab reviews (and more).  These visits will empower clients with information and understanding so they (you) can interpret their/your own blood work and understand it, to see if more digging needs to be done and to be able to optimize your own health.

Group visits are also supportive, community-building and economical.  Win, win, win. 

Be an early adopter of a major, positive transition in health care.  Check out the group visit options.

Why Manifesting sometimes doesn’t work

I’m somewhat of an expert on manifesting that doesn’t work.  So why listen to me?  Because like Marie Kondo with tidying-up, I’ve tried everything.  I’ve obsessed, I’ve been dedicated, I’ve given it time ~ oh I’ve given it time, I’ve take action, I’ve waited to be inspired, I’ve meditated, I’ve blissed out.  And I’ve failed and fallen (and cried, the un-relieving kind) so many times that I just wanted to give up, also numerous times (but miraculous couldn’t).  And then, thanks to all that hardship (and more hardship), I gained real insight and learned something that I hope will help you as much as it helped me. 

Yes, manifesting is powerful stuff:  liberating, transformative, joyful, beautiful and awe-inspiring.  But if you’re soul is not on board, forget it!

The Soul

Do you believe you have a soul?  I didn’t for the longest time and this was part of the problem.  I have Buddhist training and the Buddha didn’t talk about a soul, at least not to my knowledge.  Furthermore, NO EVIDENCE.  But, when you get to the point of breaking, you get to the point of being willing to consider anything, even that a soul might exist.  I considered it.  I played with it, I indulged the idea and finally went with it.  My life changed and it will never be the same again.

So, what does the soul have to do with manifesting? 

Your soul is the nuclear plant that fuels manifesting.  If your ego wants something and your soul does not, you are going to be frustrated.  Emphasize the “frustrated”, like it’s being sung by a gospel choir.  Frustration is what your little ego-person does when it doesn’t get its way, and mine too, btw.  It’s an internal temper tantrum because you have NO POWER.  Let that sink in.  You, [fill in your name here], have no power.  But You, your ego-soul-self complex is unimaginably powerful.  Scary-awesome-powerful.

So, what do you do?


Request an audience

Don’t assume your soul isn’t off doing something more interesting, especially if you are not in the habit of listening to it.  You should make a very respectful request that your soul be present and communicate with you.  Here is where you apply all your manifesting know-how.  You may also request additional guides, resources, angels, etc. but it’s your soul that really needs to be with you. 

How do you know if your soul is not with you?


Ask, and Ye shall Receive

Please, please, please, don’t ask for things.  Ask to know what your soul wants.  Ask to know why you have been given this precious, fleeting life.  This life that is not just for you, but for your soul also.  If you refuse to listen, your soul can wait it out until your just plain dead.  And be a considerate listener.  Don’t ask and then start telling your soul all the things you want [that’s rude].  Ask and be quiet, listen with you heart and with your ears.  Listen intently, like you’re trying to hear the faintest whisper in a noisy room.

Learn how to connect with your deeper self by:  Finding & Liberating Painful Patterns audio guide and workbook.



You might have to keep asking and listening for quite some time.  Your soul is not at your beck and call, but mostly it is willing to cooperate with you.  It also has to wait for you to be ready to hear/receive its message.  Surrendering can take a long time.  The ego has a death-grip on control and it will not give up easily.  Keep at it.  A nice meditative object or mantra is “let it go, let it go, let it go”.

Learn to listen


Rejoice, Give praise, Appreciate

Be thankful that your soul is willing to work with you.  Be grateful that you now know how to lead a richer, more rewarding life.  Appreciate those circumstances that are working in your favour.  It only counts if you really, truly feel appreciation.  If you cannot find anything to appreciate, give your mind the task of finding something for which you actually are appreciative.  And then actually feel it.  More will come, it gets easier and more enjoyable all the time.  The best part…it feels GREAT!

How to appreciate when you’re in a low mood?


Be Willing to try things, without knowing the outcomes

If you are lucky enough to receive an impulse/inspiration to action, act on it.  You have no idea how powerful all of your choices are.  One small act, done in “faith”, can have life-changing effects.  The universe is huge and unfathomable, we cannot understand how things work, but we can participate in the dance by acting without knowing the  outcomes.  This takes real courage.  While you are waiting for your inspiration, keep in mind this prayer/thought, given to me by someone I respect:

What do I need to do to prepare my courage, my integrity and moral compass, my ability to see truth vs. distraction, so that when the time does come, I act without hesitation?



THERE IS ONE MORE important thing…

This topic is worthy of its own post, however.  Here’s the link.

I can help you live a soulful life and hear your inner guidance.



The easiest and best ways to boost your immunity naturally

  • Avoid refined sugars:  Candies, chocolate bars,  white, brown, cane, berry or beet sugar.  Do not eat sweets and use sweeteners minimally in cooking.
  • Got to bed early.  Your immune system works at its optimum during deep sleep between 12 am and 2 am.  If you are not in deep sleep at this time, you will not reap these benefits.  If you have trouble sleeping, contact me.
  • Avoid alcohol.  Alcohol also will depress your immunity.  Limit alcoholic beverages.
  • Contrast Hydrotherapy.  An amazing boost for you immunity.  If you have a sauna, get nice and hot in your sauna first, then have a cold splash, shower or a roll in the snow.   Repeat this several times.   It works better than you would imagine and will leave you feeling energized and relaxed.
  • Fever – a slight elevation in internal body temperature will help your immune system work at its optimum.  You can simulate a fever by taking a hot bath or using a sauna.  Consider using the contrast hydrotherapy method.
  • Antioxidants – when the immune system is ramped up, it generates a lot of free radicals.  Antioxidants like those found in berries, turmeric, Vitamin C-rich foods like cabbage help quench the fire.



Ways to strengthen the resilience and defenses of your respiratory system

  • Castor oil – applied to the mucosal surfaces (e.g. inside the nose or eyes – use a dropper or Q-tip) provides a protective barrier and prevents growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Breathing exercises – I have been a long-standing advocate for breathing exercises because it is something fundamental to which we all have access and is profound in its effects.    There are many types of breathing exercises with different types of benefits.   Contact me if you would like to be join a breathing exercises webinar.



Homeopathy and Infections

In my opinion….

There are few things that work as well or as quickly as a well-chosen homeopathic medicine during an acute illness such as an infection.  In the past when I’ve used homeopathic medicines in this manner, people often question that a simple remedy could create such a dramatic change because, from their experience, nothing can work that well.

For acute infections there are numerous medicines that can be useful.

Homeopathics are very specific to symptoms, NOT to diagnosis.  This means it is less important what the name of the illness is and more important how it presents. 

With regard to COVID19 – If you think you may have contracted COVID19 and you live in Alberta, you are to being referred to:  AHS Self Screening



 Book an Appointment   |  About Dr. Tanya


My philosophy

  • Get to the core
  • Keep treatments simple & succinct
  • Be present and pay attention
  • Be honest and kind at the same time


Dr, Tanya, ND

Naturopathic Doctor, Manual therapist

 My work is all about alignment – physically/mechanically in the body, easing abnormal lines of tension; mentally & emotionally by easing stresses and conflicts.  Generally speaking, the deeper self is usually itself aligned and needs nothing.  It is our outward selves that often need to dig to find accord so that the inside matches the outer.  This is one definition of alignment: what’s inside is the same as what is outside.  What you state as your purpose is how you conduct your life and how you conduct your life is harmonious with what you value most.

Another aspect of alignment relates to effort and energy.  When all our focus, our energies and our efforts are all lining up in the same direction, this is alignment.  The benefit, once in the state, is obvious:  doubt is eliminated, decision-making is easy, our energy is buoyant and joyful.  Energy becomes abundant because it is not frittered away on useless thoughts or endeavours.  Everything you do becomes about sticking to your trajectory.

A useful way of considering alignment is looking at what it takes to get there.  One way of getting there is by stripping away everything that is non-essential and everything that detracts from our full engagement with life.  When the non-essential and non-productive is stripped away, the essential (for you and only you) becomes clear.  When that clarity emerges, then you finally know with certainty, exactly how to conduct yourself, internally and externally.  The other way to get there is by holding fast to what you know is your purpose and what you known are your values.  By searching for what it is that lights you up the most and staying focussed on that one thing no matter what:  No holds barred, no censorship, no justifications and no excuses – you will light up your whole life.

The good news is that when alignment occurs, it is generally easy to maintain because it is very enjoyable.  And once there, it is becomes obvious how important it is to stay true to your authentic self.

For simple tools that will help you get into alignment, find me on Instagram.