Step into this beautiful season with your body, mind and spirit.

Spring is a very magical time.  It is fresh and new and full of possibilities.  We can align our lives with the seasons to live more harmoniously with the world around us and our own bodies, which come from nature.  This practice invites a natural ease into our lives.  Below are some ways we can do this.

Planting Seeds:

The Spring Equinox is the time for planting seeds.  These are the things you want to grow and cultivate this year.  Seeds might be literal seeds for your flower bed or herb garden, or they might be ideas and skills that you would like to bring to fruition.  Now is a good time to start sorting through these seeds so that you can decide which ones you really want to focus on in the coming year.


Most have us have been indulging in comfort food during the long, cold, dark of winter.  You might notice suddenly that you are really craving some fresh greens.  Go with that.  This is a great time for any kind of detoxification that you feel will serve you.  Maybe you just cut out the sugars and sweeteners, or perhaps you focus on adding more healthful and alive foods into your daily routine.  Fresh herbs, lettuce, and wheat grass are nice additions.


I doubt I need to tell anyone to enjoy time outdoors.   Going for hikes, bike rides, strolls in the park while the sun is shining is a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.  You’ll start making more vitamin D and your mood will brighten.  As the sap in the tress starts to flow, it is a good idea to get your fluids moving as well.  All movement aids in lymphatic and blood flow.


Open your windows and let the fresh air in.  Clean the curtains or blinds and wash the winter items before you put them away for the year.  Get rid of broken, worn-out or useless items to make space for new things to enter your life.  These “things” might be material things or they might be new attitudes and perspectives.


Let go and let flow.  Allow you mind to consider different perspectives.  Let go of mental fixations (you need to identify them first) and mundane thought patterns.  You owe no allegiance to beliefs, thoughts or your conditioning.  A person that never changes their mind has likely stopped learning.


Allow yourself to be inspired!  Who inspires you?  And what qualities (think seeds) can you cultivate to manifest similar gifts or graces?  Inspiration can be experienced as a physical sensation.  There are many different sensations that might confuse you, for example, hopefulness (longing) and stimulation (excitement).   Stimulation can burn you out, like a dancing fire that prods you on but does not feed you, rather, you feed it!  Hopefulness, unfortunately contains within it a seed of dissatisfaction with present circumstances.  We want something a little different – Inspiration is light yet motivating, you might even notice that you breath more deeply while inspired.  There are many little clues that will put you on the right path.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you enjoy this lovely time of year.


Tanya Rampersad, ND

“The Spring Equinox is the time for planting seeds.  These are the things you want to grow and cultivate this year.  Seeds might be literal seeds for your flower bed or herb garden, or they might be ideas and skills that you would like to bring to fruition. “