The Ego and the light

  • Your ego needs to know what to expect.
  • It would rather be right, than be open to something new.
  • To find your true self, you need to look in the shadows.
  • You never really get rid of your ego, but you can stop taking it seriously, listening to it and obeying it.




Stuck in painful cycles and patterns?


Why manifesting works for some and not for others

Your ego was built when you were ~ two years old.

It’s not that sophisticated.  It likes to be in control, and throw tantrums, get lots of attention and goodies (or no attention if it rejects that), say “NO” to things that are in its own best interests and generally exhibit petulance. 

Now this ego person, thinks it’s the real you.  But you existed before your ego did, so we know that can’t be true.  

From all its built up experiences, some good, but mostly it’s interested in the not-so-good, the ego has created a personality.  This personality exists to get what the ego wants and avoid what the ego doesn’t want.  And what the ego doesn’t want is the unknown.  It’s  like being on automatic pilot: if this happens, then I perform that.  It’s an equation, a calculation and it’s generally not open to possibilities.  It’s job is to know what to expect.  It would rather know that something unfortunate/unpleasant is going to happen (and participate in the creation of that) than be open to something new.  So it responds in the same ways over and over and over again, expecting the same things over and over and over – and it gets what it expects.  Thus cycles and patterns are born.  I’m pretty sure you’ve seen this in your life and probably in the lives of others.





How does this relate to manifesting, you ask?  Well, everything.

Your ego holds onto its limiting, core beliefs.  It expects and even wants things to happen as they’ve always happened, even if that is not in your best interests.  Two-year-old, remember.  

While you might be busy trying to imagine possibilities, your ego is trying to fend off anything new.  That’s a conflict and you can probably feel it.  You might make some progress and see something new present itself in your life.  But as long as you believe your ego and obey your ego, you are going to manifest what you’ve always manifested.  Yes, you are indeed successfully manifesting, right now, all the time.  Your situation is an expression of what you (probably ‘little you’) believe. 

That’s the “bad’ news, but there’s “good” news also.  There is another you.  One that the ego person is constantly working to suppress and control.  This being is one that knows who you really are.  It doesn’t have to guess or think about it or surmise based on past actions, because it KNOWS.  It’s is healthy, energetic, it loves its life and it is not fooled by external appearances not even by the ego.  And for this knowledge, it is condemned (by a two-year-old dictator) to be hidden in darkness.  This part of you can wait until the time is right to reveal its knowing – it waits for a crack.  It is beyond harming or damaging because it lives in truth and light.  

So who wins in this stand-off?  Ultimately the real you wins, but when?  The ‘when’ is determined by when you finally look into the shadows to find your true self:  hidden, strapped down, boarded up, cocooned by barbed wire, but still alive and well.  It will do you no good to hear it from me.  That doesn’t count.  You have to see, hear and feel it for yourself.   

Now what?  Get the free audio guide and workbook:  Finding & Liberating Painful Patterns.

Why, oh why, would we do this to ourselves?  This story might help you understand.


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