A Soul’s journey

my practice is soul-led.  It has a life of its own and responds to the correctness and alignment of my attitude and vibration.  This has been a journey of becoming ever more pristine, clear, honest, wise, compassionate.  This practice is for my own growth as much as it is for anyone else’s. 

I could try to list all the training I have received, all the tools in my pocket, but that would be boring for both of us.  And not that helpful. 

I have been in practice for over 20 years and I will forget to use more practices and tools than I care to admit.  So, I require you to pull from me what it is that you need, and you, likely require me to pull that information from you.  I need to be able to hold you in unconditional positive regard and you will likely need me to show you what you cannot see in yourself.

I am interested in the totality, the gestalt, the patterns, the states.  But you are not your patterns, you are not your thoughts or your states.  You are something that defies all description.  Part of my work is to see that potential in you until you can see it in yourself.  

Often clients and potential clients will feel compelled to ask whether I’ve treated their set of symptoms, their situation or diagnosis.  The answer will always be “No”.  Every situation is different, every individual, unique. 

This is different from how we are trained to think, but if the ways we were taught were true and legitimate, I don’t think we, collectively, would be experiencing the things we are experiencing.  

So part of what I offer is deconditioning which is one of the paths to liberation.  This practice is how I contribute to the more beautiful world that I know in my heart is possible.    

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Dr. Tanya Rampersad, ND

Naturopathic Doctor & Manual Therapist

I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Calgary, with over 20 years of clinical experience – I have spent time dealing with digestive health, hormones, weight loss, autoimmunity and fertility but my real strength lies in an area that is not biochemical, not reductive.

The boring stuff

My undergraduate degree was earned from the University of Manitoba, Faculty of Agriculture.  I started my Master’s degree in Entomology working with honey bees, but I did not like where this was leading me and I changed directions. 

After getting some prerequisites, I set off to Seattle to study Naturopathic Medicine at Bastyr University for the next four years of my life.  During this time I also undertook extra curricular training.  I studied Visceral Manipulation and took advanced courses in homeopathy.  I signed up for Visceral Manipulation (VM) and homeopathy clinical shifts to gain extra hands-on experience and I participated in VM study groups after regular classes.  I studied self care techniques and organized additional classes for other students.  

Recently, I have become a TA (teacher assistant) for the Barral Institute, with whom I train, assisting students with their hands and techniques.  

I am always participating in ongoing trainings and coaching in order to be the most refined and up-to-date version of myself.  I have recently (this is not an exhaustive list) completed trainings in:

  • Inherited Family Trauma
  • Rapid Resolution Therapy
  • Advanced Brain Visceral Manipulation (manual therapy)
  • Rapid Neurofascial Reset
  • Ancient Plants (Homeopathy)

Even more importantly – I have gone through and recovered from my own traumas, my own dark night(s) of the soul and so I “get it”.  My capacity to hold space for you is extremely large.   I know that on the other side of trauma is resilience, strength, self-discovery and a life that makes everything you’ve gone through worthwhile.

Beyond this, I have had personal mentorship with advanced spiritual practitioners and immersed myself in numerous retreats and so I actually do have direct insight, wisdom and compassion.  I have to be evolved and evolving because I know that you are evolved and evolving.

I have been actively involved with regular prayer and meditation for over 20 years, working to become more integrated, aligned and transparent on a daily basis.  I am known to be an excellent counsellor/therapist/coach with an attitude of acceptance and unconditional positive regard.

About You

Ideally, you will be willing to embrace:


  • A commitment to expansive, positive change and greater degrees of freedom;
  • A sincere desire to align with your deeper self and true nature;
  • An open mind and a sense of spiritual power;
  • A sense of your responsibility to yourself;
  • An understanding of process; we are not necessarily offering quick fixes, but deep and lasting change.  This typically takes time;
  • A willingness to invest in yourself: energy, time, money.  I cannot do the things for you, you need to be willing to do them for yourself.  I invest heavily in my training on an ongoing basis for your benefit and for the person I am becoming.  I do not expect you to invest as heavily as I do, but there are many things worth more than money.


  • Many of my clients are mediums, channels and intuitive, highly sensitive beings.